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Category: Houses & Farms
Home of Willis N. Britton at 1549 Dewey Avenue; between Avis and Knickerbocker Streets. Converted to the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer from 1927 until 1956 and prior to that functioned as School No. 41.
Two massive man made ponds at Yates-Thayer Farm, 1900's. The house on the farm was built in 1902 by the President of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railroad Company, Arthur Yates. Located on Latta Road, Mr. Yates built the ponds for an ice harvesting company run by his son, Fredrick. The ice harvesting season only lasted a few months and the extracted cubes could weight several hundred pounds. With the arrival of in house ice units in the 1920's, the ice harvesting industry was no longer profitable. The property sold to the Thayer family in 1914 and kept for nearly eighty years. Housing developments now occupy the land where the ponds once existed.
A house on the west side of Long Pond Road across from Long Ridge Mall. This house is currently a childcare business located at 1331 Long Pond Road.
The Sunrise Park subdivision sales office of Edwards Realty Company. The Sunrise Park subdivision was located on the corner of Dewey Avenue and Stone Road. The first homes offered for $250 and up in 1917 were available for "$5 down and $1 a week."
Looking north at Hammond Street in the Koda Vista neighborhood in 1933. Located off Ridge Road, Koda Vista was developed in response to housing shortages after World War I. The Kodak Employee Realty Corporation was formed to provide houses for the growing Kodak workforce in the 1920's. The construction of the houses occurred primarily between 1920-1940, but additional housing construction on a smaller scale continued through 1952. There are about 240 residential houses in the neighborhood.
A crew cutting and harvesting ice on an artificial lake on Yates Farm, 1905-1910. Arthur Yates owned the farm from 1902-1914. Prior to mechanical refrigeration, ice harvesting was a profitable industry and the principle method of preserving food.
The house of E. S. Benedict on Ridge Road West, where the current Ridgemont Plaza is located, 1870's.
Located at 2672 Ridge Road, Empire Electric was established in 1971 and occupied the former house of Dr. George Sanders. The house was built in the 1850's. Empire Electric was a light fixture supply business and operated at this location until the 1990's. It was demolished in the 2010's.
The Todd - Casey - Craig house located at 3349 Ridge Road West, 1980. The house was built in 1852. Additions were added in the 1960's. The structure is listed in the "101 Historical Sites Survey" conducted in the 1990's. It is an old farmhouse that belonged to the prominent Todd, Casey or Craig families at various times. David Todd was the original proprietor and an early settler in Greece; arriving with his family as a child in 1826. James D. Casey owned the house in the early 1900's. By 1924, it was owned by William H. Craig.
Keene's Greenhouses was a nineteen acre farm located just east of Eddy Road (now Mt. Read Blvd). Keene's was one of many farms that operated along Ridge Road until the late 1930's, when agriculture gave way to industry and a rapidly increasing population in Greece.
A single family home on Sharon Drive in 1959. Sharon Drive is located off of Fetzner Road.
An aerial view of a farm located at 1580 Maiden Lane. The road leading to the farm building is now Stoney Path Lane and the road running north along the farm house is Woodstone Lane.
Picture of Grange Hall on Ridge Road, built in 1905. It remained until 1962, when it moved to Long Pond Road.
John Skyler (left) and his wife Mariah (to his left) in front of their house, 1880's.
The Alanson Britton House on Long Pond Road, 2010.