Image ID:2161
The float celebration the sesquicentennial of the Town of Greece. The sesquicentennial took place Sunday, 28 May 1972. The one hundred and fifty year anniversary celebration included a parade, fireman's competition, park dedication, picnic and other activities. Jeanne Dever was crowned Queen of the Sesquicentennial.
The float celebration the sesquicentennial of the Town of Greece. The sesquicentennial took place Sunday, 28 May 1972. The one hundred and fifty year anniversary celebration included a parade, fireman's competition, park dedication, picnic and other activities. Jeanne Dever was crowned Queen of the Sesquicentennial.
Location:Greece, New York
Source:Office of the Town Historian
Views:979 Views
Date Added:February 14, 2020
Full Image: 5656 x 3794px
Large Image: 1024 x 687px
Medium Image: 420 x 282px